Call for Paper

The call is closed

Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI) Conference 2024

Faster, Higher, Stronger, and Together

June 5th – 8th; 2024 Montpellier, France

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The Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI) Conference is a unique gathering of international scholars and practitioners interested in sharing and advancing cutting-edge professional selling and sales management practices, research, and education. In keeping with its title, the GSSI Conference takes place in a different country every year. The upcoming 2024 GSSI Conference will be held in Montpellier, France. In addition to scientific research, the conference will address best practices in sales education, making the conference an excellent venue for sales educators looking for professional development opportunities. To highlight research opportunities and bridge the gap between academia and practice, special sessions with guest speakers will be devoted to business development, B2B professional selling, sales management, and sales education challenges. To encourage the participation of young scholars, we also hold a doctoral student session. For more information, please contact the Conference Co-Chairs.

The business world, in general, and the sales world, in specific, continue to grow, evolve, and transform at an unheard-of rate. The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the normalization of new customer interactions, remote working conditions, and advanced technologies in business operations and decision-making. More recently, the rise of more sophisticated Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications and chatbots, such as ChatGPT, are revolutionizing the way creative work is done by, for example, automated content generation. As the sales world embraces faster and higher changes, sales organizations must respond much stronger and together more than ever. The theme of the GSSI 2024 conference, which draws inspiration from the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympics, captures the essence of today’s professional selling landscape. We are thus calling for work providing actionable guidance for theory and practice.

We welcome submissions of structured abstracts or full papers. We are open to conceptual, theoretical, and empirical papers and work-in-progress related to all aspects of professional selling, sales negotiation, sales management, sales leadership, and sales enablement. Papers that connect science with practice and explore interesting new concepts, directions, and important developments in sales are especially encouraged. Sales pedagogical and teaching-focused papers are also welcome.

There will be awards given for the conference (1) Best Empirical Paper, (2) Best Theoretical Paper, and (3) Best Doctoral Student Paper.

Structured Abstract

Please submit your structured abstract, including the main research question(s), theoretical framework, methods/results (wherever applicable), and discussion sections (emphasizing managerial implications). The structured abstracts should not exceed five single-spaced pages (not including references). Please note that only full papers will be considered for best paper awards.

Full Papers

Please submit your full paper, including the main research question(s), theoretical framework, methods/results (wherever applicable), and discussion sections (emphasizing managerial implications). Papers must include a single-spaced abstract (no more than 100 words) and should adhere to the formatting guidelines for the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice (please find the JMTP website here). The maximum length for a full paper is 3,600 words.

Special Sessions

The conference will offer special sessions devoted to bridging the gap between sales research and practice. Special sessions provide a good vehicle to acquaint sales academics with new perspectives, theories, and provocative ideas, to bring diverse participants together around a common theme, or to integrate academically-minded practitioners into the conference. Please submit your structured proposal, including the main topic, purpose, expected duration, and potential moderators/panelists. The proposal should not exceed two single-spaced pages; even special sessions are asked to focus on what action should result from potential attendees. Please note that the recommended panelists should register for the conference.

Doctoral Student Papers

There will be a special competitive session for doctoral student papers (empirical or conceptual) related to any selling or sales management issue. Submitted papers must be authored by doctoral students (single or multiple authors are acceptable) who are candidates for degrees in marketing or a closely related field at an accredited university. Upon submission, please mention that the paper has been authored (or co-authored) by a doctoral student(s). There will be an award for the Best Doctoral Student Paper.

Submission Instructions

Please submit two files. The first file should contain the complete abstract, including author information (name, affiliation, address, phone, and email), and indicate if it is a structured abstract, full paper, special session, or doctoral student paper. Also indicate whether it is a sales research or pedagogy submission. The second file should contain the complete abstract without author information. When you save the files, please include FULL in the filename for the one with author information and BLIND for the one without author information.

Submissions will be reviewed following a double-blind process. Authors should avoid revealing their identities in the bodies of their papers. Each submission will be evaluated on the importance and potential contribution of the sales topic, quality of conceptual development, sampling, methodology, and the managerial relevance of the results.

At least one author of all accepted papers must (1) register for and present at the conference, (2) return a properly formatted version of the work by the deadline for inclusion in the proceedings, and (3) register for the conference by the registration deadline.

Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice Special Issue

With the authors’ permission, all accepted papers will be considered for a special issue in the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice (JMTP). The Editor-in-Chief (Dr. Raj Agnihotri) will be attending, and a special session for constructive feedback will be available at the conference. Full-length papers will be required, and dates for revision submissions will be announced at the conference.

We look forward to your submissions and seeing you in Montpellier!

For ore information, please contact the Conference Co-Chairs: